Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pirogue Trip Around the Coast of Dakar

the lighthouse off the coast of Dakar -- Senegal

making a home on volcanic rocks -- Ngor Island, Senegal

cliff with a baobab near the Mosque by the Sea -- Dakar, Senegal

ship wreck near the light house -- Dakar, Senegal

the pirogue en route to Ngor Island -- Senegal

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ngor with L

a door way on Ngor Island -- Senegal

L on Ngor Island -- Senegal

a woman harvesting sea fruit -- Ngor Island, Senegal

Ngor Island from Chez Carla -- Senegal

growing life on the volcanic rocks on Ngor Island -- Senegal

Hotel Diarama, from Endless Summer, seen from Ngor Island -- Senegal

Ngor on the Dakar mainland, seen from Chez Carla -- Ngor Island, Dakar

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

l'île de Gorée: The Fort & Assorted Photos

approaching Goree Island -- Senegal

The guns atop Goree Island's fort -- Senegal

artwork drying and on display on Goree Island -- Senegal

colorful buildings on Goree Island -- Senegal

an artist's gallery -- Goree Island, Senegal

an artist's studio near the fort's guns -- Goree Island, Senegal

the view of Dakar from Goree Island -- Senegal

Goree Island, Senegal

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

l'île de Gorée: Maison des Esclaves

La Maison des Esclaves et la Porte du Voyage Sans Retour -- l'île de Gorée, Senegal
House of Slaves and the Door of No Return -- Goree Island, Senegal

Goree Island with Dakar in the background -- Senegal

view from the guest apartment in House of Slaves -- l'île de Gorée, Senegal

Goree Island from the House of Slaves -- l'île de Gorée, Senegal

La Porte du Voyage Sans Retour -- l'île de Gorée, Senegal
(The Door of No Return)

the approach to Goree Island -- l'île de Gorée, Senegal

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lac Rose: The Sun Rise

the sun rise over Lac Rose -- Senegal

the sun rising over the salt boats -- Lac Rose, Senegal

the sun rising over Lac Rose -- Senegal

the salt collecting boats at sun rise -- Lac Rose, Senegal

apparently Obama has at least one supporter at Lac Rose -- Senegal

George the Pelican -- Lac Rose, Senegal

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lac Rose: The Sunset

sun setting over the salt piles and boats -- Lac Rose, Senegal

the sun setting over the boats on Lac Rose -- Senegal

the lake foams from the salt and minerals at sunset -- Lac Rose, Senegal

Lac Rose, Senegal

small salt piles near the salt boats -- Lac Rose, Senegal

skull tally -- Lac Rose, Senegal

Why is Lac Rose pink?

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Sunday, March 14, 2010


Kayar -- Senegal

About to head out on the Atlantic -- Kayar, Senegal

ready for the day's catch -- Kayar, Senegal

Bringing in the day's catch -- Kayar, Senegal

future fishermen -- Kayar, Senegal

fishing boats -- Kayar, Senegal

Learn more about the Kayar Fishing Commune

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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ngor Island

the Atlantic Ocean from Ngor Island -- Senegal

Cacti on Ngor Island -- Senegal

waves crashing along the rocks protecting Ngor Island from the Atlantic -- Senegal

Kimberly seaglass hunting on Ngor Island -- Senegal

Regine's hammock bliss -- Ngor Island, Senegal

waves crashing on the Ngor Island's volcanic rocks -- Senegal

Ngor Island with Dakar in the distance -- Senegal

volcanic rock on Ngor Island -- Senegal

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