Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Signs of Zimbabwe (the southern Africa Edition)

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One of Africa's most amusing and endearing features?  Its (creative) signs!
Like this one from Boulders, South Africa--I had no idea penguins bite and I admit it sent me into giggles.
(Check out the penguins here.  Be ready for an avalanche of ridiculous adorableness.)
(For the Senegal/West Africa edition of creative signs: go here!)

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All over Zimbabwe are animal crossing signs (elephants, wild dogs, cattle...).

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I was so shocked to see the actual animal being warned about near the sign!

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Nothing like an (inappropriate) pun to sell some eggs in downtown Harare.

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Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe -- I think it should more correctly warn you that the deadly hazards are lions, elephants, etc...

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The ex-pat in me found this one particularly amusing in a very junior high type of reaction.

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Cape Town, South Africa -- totally made my morning when I drove past it.
Nothing like a Chuck Norris reference to make you chuckle.

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Well, well, Gaborone, this is a bit risqué! Apparently Botswana has a certain type of humor. 

Nandos, the South African chicken food chain, has a history of pushing boundaries in its advertising.
It aired a commercial called "Last Dictator Standing" (see video below)
that was never aired in Zimbabwe after Nandos workers in Zimbabwe began receiving death threats.

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During Zimbabwe's presidential elections, I thought this was one of the more clever ads.
It shows the leaders of the MDC-T opposition party examining the election manifesto of ZANU-PF, the ruling party of Robert Mugabe.

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Approximately 30 feet away from this sign was an entire braiding extravaganza in Gaborone with approximately 20 woman getting their hair done.

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