Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ngor with L

a door way on Ngor Island -- Senegal

L on Ngor Island -- Senegal

a woman harvesting sea fruit -- Ngor Island, Senegal

Ngor Island from Chez Carla -- Senegal

growing life on the volcanic rocks on Ngor Island -- Senegal

Hotel Diarama, from Endless Summer, seen from Ngor Island -- Senegal

Ngor on the Dakar mainland, seen from Chez Carla -- Ngor Island, Dakar

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At March 27, 2010 at 8:32 AM , Anonymous RooRoo said...

love them again! I should just comment the same thing on each blog post :) haha

At March 27, 2010 at 8:36 AM , Anonymous Judy said...

I LOVE the first pic. They are all beautiful, but the colors in the first one are spectacular.

At March 28, 2010 at 7:24 AM , Anonymous Susan said...

how did you copyright your blog? =)

At October 23, 2013 at 4:15 PM , Anonymous Jessie Reder said...

Hi - Thank you for posting such lovely pictures. I'm a girl traveling to Ngor island alone, and was wondering if you could provide a little direction on housing - I can't seem to find a number for Chez Carla, unless it is the same as La Maison d'Italie? Thank you!


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