Friday, April 11, 2014

Harare in the beautiful bloom of the Jacarandas

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Soon the first blossoms begin to appear

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some where in the Fourth Street* though it's not really clear

(*this photograph is actually Prince Edward St--not too far from Harare's Fourth St.--at sunrise.)

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Then tree after tree in the Avenues so neat

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Burst into flower in the hot October heat....

(This is the Avenues in Harare, Colquhoun St to be exact.)

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...Purple blossoms flutter in glorious array
on the corner close by bunches of colourful flowers...
a sight to remember for everywhere
purple Jacarandas coloured the Summer air.

(Every summer, Harare bursts into a symphony of Jacaranda trees. Absolutely beautiful.
This is also the Avenues area of Harare.)

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Tree after tree in the avenue and street
show their deepest purple where white clouds and blossoms meet

(This is Lomagundi Rd. in the Avondale neighborhood.)

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The purple blossoms with flats and houses blend
a feast of beauty so colourful and rare
filled with wonder at the City so fair.

(The Avenues neighborhood.)

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A high wind and a shower of rain
produce a purple carpet once again
as the blossoms fall to clothe the damp earth...

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Oh lovers of beauty raise up your banners
in tribute to the City's early planners
for to them and to nature we are ever in debt
for as magnificent a picture as the gods ever set.

Like the poetry?
It's from a poem called Jacaranda Time by Robert Cornell
written specifically about Harare's Jacaranda trees. The full poem can be found here.

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