Thursday, February 13, 2014

Mosi-oa-Tunya: The Smoke That Thunders

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After an exhilarating helicopter flight over Victoria Falls, we visited the Falls at sunrise.

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Every trip to the Falls has been so unique for how it looks, how it feels, how it awes.

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But sunrise, oh sunrise, by far is my favorite time to visit.  I fell in love with it at sunrise on this trip.

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In all my visits, I'm surprised I've never showed you this in its both amazes and terrifies:
the fence that keeps you from going over the edge into the Falls at certain vantage points.
These thorns won't stop anything if you're really heading over.

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This trip was blessed by so many rainbows. Stunning.

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Be still my heart!

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The sunrise.

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Oh, Victoria Falls, you never disappoint.

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