Thursday, April 24, 2014

Favorites: The Animal Edition

In honor of the conclusion of my time in Africa, I've compiled a few of my favorite photographs over the past several years.
Here are my favorite animal photos!

For my favorite photographs of Zimbabwe: go here!!

For my favorite photographs of Senegal: go here!!

 photo 31ChobeLilac-tiaphotoblog_zpsc4d201be.jpg
A lilac breasted roller in Chobe National Park, Botswana - Hope is a Thing with Feathers

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A baby elephant of the Presidential Herd, Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe - The Ivory Lodge

 photo 11ChobeCroc-tiaphotoblog_zps58f0bbd2.jpg
A crocodile sleeps on the banks of the Chobe River in Botswana - Snapshots from the River: The Chobe Crocodile

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A giraffe in Chobe National Park, Botswana - The Chobe smorgasbord of animals!!

I originally captioned this photo of a donkey in Palmarin, Senegal:
"Hello, donkey, the rains must feel like a wonderful break from the heat." - Hello, donkey! Hello, pelicans! Hello, white flamingo?!

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A lion at Antelope Park in Gweru, Zimbabwe - ...and then the lions charged!

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Elephants along the Chobe River, Botswana - An ode to elephants

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A penguin in Boulders, South Africa, on the Cape of Good Hope - Africa! Woohoo!!

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A bird searching for food on Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe - The Lake Kariba smorgasbord

 photo 21LionCubs-tiaphotoblog_zps6ad0248b.jpg

A herd of bison in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, United States - Yellowstone: Animals Part II

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A mama giraffe in the Save Valley Conservancy, Zimbabwe - Giraffes!! (An Ode to ALDB)

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Traffic in Rufisque, Senegal, the only real road off the Cap-Vert peninsula where Dakar is located - Passing Through Rufisque

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