Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lac Rose: The Sunset

sun setting over the salt piles and boats -- Lac Rose, Senegal

the sun setting over the boats on Lac Rose -- Senegal

the lake foams from the salt and minerals at sunset -- Lac Rose, Senegal

Lac Rose, Senegal

small salt piles near the salt boats -- Lac Rose, Senegal

skull tally -- Lac Rose, Senegal

Why is Lac Rose pink?

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At March 16, 2010 at 5:38 PM , Anonymous Judy said...

Beautiful! Just seeing the pics makes me feel the warmth of the sun. You have to submit your photos somewhere.

At March 17, 2010 at 3:56 AM , Anonymous RooRoo said...

LOVE the first one ... the water looks incredible on the boats! Thank goodness its supposed to be warm and sunny today in VA.


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