Friday, June 7, 2013

A River Runs Through Gonarezhou

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Gonarezhou National Park in Zimbabwe is dominated by the lovely Save River.

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Aren't these clouds beautiful?  Zimbabwe continues to astound me with some of the most wonderful clouds I've ever seen.

The Save River photo 23SaveRiver-tiaphotoblog_zpsbcb5b809.jpg
The sun setting over the Save River.

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Sneaking in a view of the Runde River from Chilo Gorge Safari Lodge.

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The Save River in Gonarezhou.

The Save River photo 26SaveRiver-tiaphotoblog_zps5d041d15.jpg
The remnants of the rainy season can be seen in the river bed.

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Each day we were in Gonarezhou, we could visibly see the water lowering as we entered the dry season.

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Oh, be still my heart, how I love Zimbabwe's clouds.

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