Monday, May 27, 2013

The Noisettes take on Harare!!!

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Saved the best for last on the Harare International Festival of the Arts (HIFA) in 2013: THE NOISETTES!

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The London based band was AMAZING.

Here's the Noisettes performing "Wild Young Hearts" at HIFA:

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Um, awesome keyboardist.
With the background, it's straight up 1985. Word.

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Shingai Shoniwa opened the show in this dress which I failed to capture in its perfect over-the-top vibe.
Shoniwa noted one of her dreams was to play HIFA--possibly an ode to her family's Zimbabwe roots?

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I loved how she worked in many of the African fabrics into her stage outfits. 
 This fabric reminded me so much of west Africa.

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Several Zimbabwean performers joined the Noisettes on stage to perform "Ragtop Car" from the Noisettes' newest album.
They added in the mbira and ukulele and it was just stunning, almost an ode to bluegrass.

It was my favorite song performance in my favorite performance at HIFA this year. Here's some of how it sounded:

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Shoniwa was one of the most high energy performers I have ever seen. Basically, she was awesome. They were awesome.
One of the best live performances I've ever seen.

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I loved that even the backup singers had so much character!
(Possibly why the Noisettes toured with Lady Gaga? I hear she's got character and energy when she performs!)

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So much energy that she actually climbed this rafter and continued singing while upside down.
It was impressive. Her upside down voice? Still a bazillion times better than my normal voice.
The security guy kind of had a heart attack when she did it.

And if that wasn't enough, she decided to go into the crowd. So how does she do it? Not the traditional walk through or crowd surfing,
but she climbed on a guy's shoulders and directed him through the crowd. It was hilarious. Check it out:

Awesome. If you EVER have the chance, go, go, go see them live! You will not be disappointed.

For more information on the Noisettes.

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