Saturday, May 11, 2013

Seattle Artists and an Australian Didgeridoo!

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The best part about Zimbabwe's Harare International Festival of the Arts (HIFA!)? 
Seeing all the different types of artists!

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I had the chance to see Jacob Bain, Chris Williams, and Caleb Cunningham perform.

Here's a peek at their sound:

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Jacob Bain...does he look familiar? He should--this is his third visit to HIFA.

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He and Caleb Cunningham are from Seattle's Publish the Quest which performed the two previous years.

In a great testament to the many talented artists at HIFA, the three had only met the week before HIFA.
Here's something they come up with for the show:

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Australia's Chris Williams.

He plays the didgeridoo and the trumpet. What on earth is the didgeridoo you ask? I confess, I had no idea.
Here's what it sounds like---it was really awesome:

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This little old lady was the best fan of all time. The cutest dancer EVER. I want to be 85 and rocking out like her.

Don't believe me? Here's a sneak peek at her mad skills---she literally danced all over the place. So stinking cute.

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Caleb Cunningham.

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For some reason this shot of Jacob Bain made me laugh for its distortion.

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Here's a more respectable shot of him!

For more information on Jacob Bain & Caleb Cunningham's Publish the Quest.
For more information on Chris Williams.

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