Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Téada: An Ode to Ireland

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Ireland came to the Harare International Festival of the Arts (HIFA) in Zimbabwe this year!!!

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Traditional Irish music group Téada rocked out!
(I mean, come on! They made flute playing look awesome...
I say that and I once won an award for playing the flute.*)

Check out how wonderful they sound:
(They brought two pairs of traditional dancers!)

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Two of the dancers.

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Apparently he just won accordion player of the year in Ireland!

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This made me laugh. Oh, how I love the Irish.

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A traditional broom dance was performed.

What is that you ask? Here's some of it, the footwork at the end is impressive:

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Oh, Ireland, you make dancing with a broom look awesome.
Well done, Téada, well done.

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I confess, the concert was amazing.
 It reminded me that it has been far too long since I've visited Ireland.

One more video:

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Another excellent show at HIFA!!

For more information on Téada!

*okay, I admit: the award was a band award in middle school, but that counts for something doesn't it?
 Like I should know a mean flute player when I see him, right? Right?

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