Friday, May 31, 2013

The Gonarezhou Smorgasbord!

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Remember Chilo Gorge Safari Lodge?  It's been awhile since I posted on it. I got distracted by HIFA.
It was a wonderful distraction, but back to Chilo Gorge!
While at Chilo Gorge in Gonarezhou National Park, Zimbabwe, we came across this wonderful wildebeest.

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This corner of Zimbabwe is just so incredibly lovely.

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And it's easy to spot the last remnants of the rainy season.

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Why, hello you impressive kudu, you!

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The mighty baobab.  The tree goes right to your soul and it's impossible to weary of seeing it.

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While driving, we came across this bull elephant.  He ignored us and ate.
And kept eating, and eating and eating!

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Then, holy moly, throw that vehicle in REVERSE right now because he charged our vehicle, and he charged it fast.

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My heart went through my toes and I must say, I was glad we were able to back up and back up fast.
This wasn't our only charge in Gonarezhou.  These were the most aggressive elephants I've come across in Zimbabwe.

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