Friday, July 20, 2012

Ruckomechi Camp!

After arriving in Zimbabwe's Mana Pools National Park, we stayed at the Ruckomechi Camp.

And our "tent" was wonderfully relaxing (when the hippos weren't startling us outside!!).

Here's the tent I stayed in (please ignore my forgotten to hide bag on the floor...)
I loved, loved, loved the rock walls.

The tent overlooked the open floodplains of the stunning Zambezi River and the mountains of Zambia's Rift Valley.

The personal facilities.  Word of the wise: either know your traveling partner really well
or be willing to get to know them really well (advice for basically all of Africa!!!!)
...because standards of privacy (such as no doors...) aren't always what you're used to when you visit new places!

The lounging area with its wonderful relaxed air.  Ruckomechi/Mana Pools is by far my favorite place I've visited in Zimbabwe thus far!

A perfect spot to watch the Zambezi River as elephants wander past with the Rift Valley mountains in the background.  Divine.

The paths leading to the tents.  More than a few times I found elephants hanging out here.

And while this skull really has nothing to do with the camp itself, it was too cool not to share.

For more information on Ruckomechi Camp.

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At July 21, 2012 at 5:19 AM , Anonymous Debbie B. said...

What an awesome place!! The sink in the bathroom is awesome and that's hilarious about the doors! (I wouldn't have noticed your bag if you didn't point it out!).


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