Thursday, July 12, 2012

Snapshots From the Air: Blue Ridge Mountains Ballooning!

I recently took a hot air balloon ride over the glorious Blue Ridge Mountains outside of Charlottesville, Virginia, United States.

This is what the whole world should look like.
Okay, maybe I exaggerate, but I have never once seen the Blue Ridge Mountains and not felt extraordinary joy.
Okay, maybe I exaggerate, but no, no, I don't really. Mountains bring me great joy.

How cool is this?  I must say this is an experience that I'm now looking for excuses to do allllll over the world.

The balloon's shadow over houses near Charlottesville.

The mist rising off the morning reminded me of the awesome mist from this fantastic hike in Chimanimani, Zimbabwe.

The barn near where we touched down after gliding across the Charlottesville skies.

Excellent views, even better company, and my glorious Blue Ridge Mountains--how can this not be beyond wonderful?

Charlottesville from the balloon.

At times the ride felt like a tour of all the fantastic homes on the outskirts of Charlottesville.
I saw a few I wouldn't mind having...but suspect I couldn't afford :)

So incredibly different from my last snapshots from the air!

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At July 12, 2012 at 2:11 PM , Anonymous cwbullets said...

Wow! but I think that's a shadow rather than a reflection, n'est pas?

At July 12, 2012 at 9:49 PM , Anonymous TIA Cette est l'Afrique said...

Good catch!

At July 16, 2012 at 2:44 PM , Anonymous David Harmantas said...

Nice stuff. Esp. one and three. I like the perspective on eight too.


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