Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Snapshots from the Road: Returning to Harare

A man rests on the road into Harare, Zimbabwe, from the Save Valley.

You'll see groups of people clothed in white all over Zimbabwe.
They are vaPostori ("Apostles" in Shona) and are a mixture of African traditional religious practices and Christianity. 

Street vendors selling to a stopped bus along the road.

Forgive the photo, it was shot through the window of a moving car, but I just love the images of women selling fruit (so much I have a painting of it..)

Along along the road between Harare and Save Valley are these small shops in the middle of nowhere, all with Coca Cola on them.
This one's called Mufudze G/Dealer.  Oh, I heart the store names in Zim!

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At September 25, 2012 at 2:02 AM , Anonymous iffatali said...

Monopoly is Business at the end of its journey.
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