Monday, July 16, 2012

And We're Off to Mana Pools!

Recently traveled to Mana Pools National Park in northern Zimbabwe in the lower Zambezi River region.
This the Parks and Wild Life office--easy to miss and a must stop to register with the park authorities.

Zimbabwe is crawling with these lizards. I have no idea what kind they are but this photo doesn't do their startling blue tails any justice!

The entrance to Mana Pools.  My favorite rule? Please avoid behaviour likely to disturb wild life or people.
Um, yes, please don't give the lions any reasons to attack...

While the dry season is the best for seeing wildlife (it's the dry season now), it makes it difficult for more drought-prone areas in Zimbabwe to survive.  Here, the park entrance makes do with a water tower (and public bathrooms!).

I thought baboons frolicking and leaping were a fitting way to start the new safari adventure!

And a sign of the difficulties of obtaining fuel in more remote parks of the country: the line of jerry cans...

And voila! Immediately entering the park we spot one of the big five: the African buffalo. 

And then this impressive bull elephant that stared us down!  This bodes well for the safari...

and to think! We hadn't even reached our safari lodge yet!

For more information on Mana Pools.

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At July 16, 2012 at 10:20 AM , Anonymous Debbie B. said...

I totally misread this and thought it said Mamma Pools! HAHA Scary elephant!


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