Saturday, June 30, 2012

Elephant Tracking....

In both the rainy and dry seasons, massive herds of elephants move across Zimbabwe, leaving signs of their passage everywhere.

It's hard to imagine the size of Save Valley's elephants when you see prints this massive in dry riverbeds.

And the tell-tale signs of recent passage...

And if you're lucky, you'll come across an impressive bull elephant; if you're extra lucky, you'll track him from the air.

Or stumble across the leader of a breeding herd of elephants.

Even if you're in the midst of the rainy season and the elephants are difficult to find, these are always around.
I continue to be amazed at their (strong, eeek) smell and sheer size.

And even if tracking elephants ends in disappointment (or awesome herds!),
the destruction they leave on trees make for utterly fascinating trees.

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At June 30, 2012 at 4:33 PM , Anonymous Debbie B. said...

I knew they were strong but thats crazy to see the trees!! Umm ... big poop! hahaha


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