Sunday, July 8, 2012

A Hot Air Balloon Adventure!!

I recently had the luck to cross something off my bucket list: a hot air balloon ride!!

While on a (too) short visit to Charlottesville, Virginia, United States, I went on a hot air balloon different from my last flying adventure!
This is the pilot using the jets of hot air to blow up the balloon.

And let me tell you: the balloon ride more than exceeded expectations.

In fact: it was pretty awesome.
And just begged to be photographed.

This may be a silly observation
but I had no idea how ridiculously large the balloons are...
or how hot it really does get!

We rose very early to take a flight just after the sun had come up over the Blue Ridge Mountains with Boar's Head Ballooning.

If this isn't on your list of things to do, you really need to add it right now.
Actually it was so cool that you pretty much should have already had it on the list!

It's hard to believe the balloon looks this small prior to it being inflated.  Stay tuned: pictures from the air coming soon!

For more information on Boar's Head Ballooning.

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At July 8, 2012 at 2:45 PM , Anonymous Debbie B. said...

So glad to hear you liked it!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the photos!! :) :) I agree - your trip was WAY to short.

At July 9, 2012 at 11:37 AM , Anonymous john said...

I can't wait to go again! Grand Canyon next time?

At July 12, 2012 at 1:08 AM , Anonymous TIA Cette est l'Afrique said...

Ohmygoodness, Grand canyon it is!! I have been looking for an excuse to visit there so you may have just come up with it :)

At September 14, 2012 at 12:27 AM , Anonymous Hot Air Balloon Adventure said...

I actually like the information you gave in the great information for hot air adventure. You have trained a pilot to fly of solo in a hot air balloon. I realize that I must experience the adventure of hot air balloon rides.

Hot Air Balloon Adventure


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