Friday, September 30, 2011

The Tripbase Challenge

Tripbase, a travel blog, is uniting travel bloggers and spreading the word about great travel blogs in a creative way!  I've been nominated by fellow blogger Darley Newman of Darley's Travel Blog in the Tripbase Challenge.  The challenge is to pick seven of my past blog entries of various topics. I also am nominating five other bloggers to hopefully you'll enjoy this break from my normal posts! 

1. My most beautiful post: Finally, all these heat has paid off!! 

While driving along Dakar's Corniche in the high heat of the rainy season, I was left breathless by this stunning sunset.  So incrediably lucky to have had my camera on me. Quite possibly the most beautiful thing I have seen in Africa.

2. My most popular post:   Sofia, Bulgaria

This one completely surprised me as it was one of very few posts I did on Bulgaria, but it continues to be the runaway most popular post.  I spent an afternoon wandering around downtown Sofia with two wonderful friends I hadn't seen in a year and who were just as confused as I was when we stumbled about those Buddy Bears!

3. My most controversial post: Monument of the African Renaissance

While the post itself is not controversial, the monument, set on one of the largest hills in Dakar, is very controverisal for many reasons: it is taller than New York's Statue of Liberty; North Korean-designed, the North Koreans brought their own workers into Senegal to build it; some question when the African Renaissance occurred; many Muslims interpret building the monument as to be controversial in regard to their faith; and lastly, it cost over 27 million US dollars to build.

4. My most helpful post: Alpha Dio's Studio

Senegalese artist Alpha Dio was one of the nicest men I've ever met.  Not only were his paintings beautiful, but he was so sweet--including playing marbles with some children on the floor while we visited.  He created all the artwork in his house---from paintings to mosaics to murals---which appeared like a colorful oasis in the middle of a very dusty and sandy village.  Why is this the most helpful?  Because of the post, people reached out for his contact information to buy some of his paintings.  I like when that happens and the Senegalese benefit from my postings.  It happened with my post on Les Liqueurs de Warang too!

5. A post whose success surprised me: Juffureh, The Gambia

I had the chance to visit Juffureh, The Gambia, featured in Alex Haley's novel Roots.  It was such an incredibly interesting place, primarily because it reminded me of so many West African villages I've visited.  I suspect that curiosity after watching the Roots miniseries or stumbling upon the novel is why this post continues to be popular.

6. A post I feel didn't get the attention it deserved: Peleș Castle...what a palace should look like!

It's hard not to love Peles Castle--situated so perfectly in the snow-capped mountains of Transylvania in Romania.  It was breaath taking and you can instantly imagine every little girl who visits thinking she's a princess.  One of its claims to fame?  The first palace with indoor plumbing!

7. The most I am the most proud of: Dusk Embraces Saint-Louis

For some reason, I found this series of shots difficult to shoot, possibly because I was distracted by the beauty of Saint-Louis, Senegal.  Either way, I loved this first shot of the post, my favorite photograph from an excellent weekend trip driving up the coast of Senegal.

And to keep the challenge going, I nominate the following blogs in no particular order:

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Monday, September 26, 2011

They Call it Stormy Monday

An ominous storm approaching the Les Almadies neighborhood of Dakar, Senegal, during the rainy season
[That's the Monument to the African Renaissance in the background]

The same storm's approach creates a stunning sky line near the Mosque by the Sea

Sorry, one photo of the awesome cloud just wasn't enough!

Then the heavens open up, flooding Dakar. If you're lucky, your car dies in an area like this that isn't thigh deep in water
so when you pop it in neutral to force it to start, you don't end up swimming instead of pushing the car...

The rainy season creates massive flooding. This street is lucky and would be considered minimal flooding.

Then suddenly, as quickly as the storm comes, it leaves rapidly with an amazingly blue sky in its wake
The Grand Mosque in Dakar

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Obama Mania!

Since Barack Obama was elected President of the United States, images of him have appeared on everything imaginable in Senegal.  
Some renditions are better than others. Here's a few examples.  
Some are like this: a not so accurate rendering on the side of a dump truck. 
Bet when he was elected for President, Obama had no idea he'd be enshrined on the side of a dump truck in West Africa.

Or blazed across a duffle bag en route to a Tidjane Muslim Brotherhood celebration in Les Almadies, Dakar, Senegal

Or looking somewhat like a weather man on the side of a golf umbrella

Or a "Yes We Can!" school note book...

And my favorite at the best ice cream shop in Dakar: N'ice Cream's Obama flavor.  Hands down the shop's best flavor.  What is it you ask?  It's a milk chocolate with small vanilla crackers covered in a thin fudge layer.  It is fantastic, amazing, worth trips to the Plateau area just to have a scoop.  But..somehow I suspect that ice cream shops in the United States couldn't get away with the flavor with all of the U.S.'s PC paranoia...

Other things Obama's been seen on: duck taped wallets, underwear, stickers, lots of t-shirts, belts, paintings...the list could go on...

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Take my Breath Away

Sunset along the Corniche -- Dakar, Senegal

Sunset near the Mosque by the Sea in Dakar





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Friday, September 16, 2011

Wandering Around in Les Almadies

A boy walks through Les Almadies, Dakar, Senegal

Hello, Les Almadies goat!

Massage by the Atlantic anyone?

Near Chez Fatou

I love the peacocks wandering around Ngor Tapas

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lights, Camera...Action?

Who knew there was an active film scene in Dakar? I didn't...
Place de l'Independence, Dakar, Senegal

Waiting for the bus on Place de l'Independence

Shooting the breeze on the Place

Some of the necklaces for sale in Dakar


These necklaces are actually made from coconuts!

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Gas Station on the Beach?

Senegal is always full of unexpected things in random places, like this gas station in Soumbédioune, Dakar, Senegal

Goats escaping the summer's heat under pirogues in Soumbédioune

The launching area for the fishing pirogues.  I found this really cool visual of the Bay of Soumbédioune
Most of these photos are taken from the northwestern beach of the bay

Children on the beach


Something about this payphone amused me endlessly. (Who uses payphones anymore? And even if you wanted to, there's not even a phone!)

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Another Side of Dakar

Someone told me that my lense only shows a certain slice of Dakar, Senegal.
They are right. I take photos of what captures my interest, what I look at and immediately want to immortalize.
Like this beautiful spot off the coast of Dakar in Les Almadies

But that someone was right. There's an entire other side of Dakar, filled with poverty that is unimaginable, trash that is unavoidable,
and infrastructure that is nonexistent--where you have beautiful mansions in Les Almadies (the "ritzy" part of Dakar) 
right next to lots like this where trash is burned, stray dogs huddle, and children play with refuse.

And you see lots like this and are impressed by how clean it is and then wonder how long before a squatter builds a cardboard house like this one

I find myself standing next to (or often in) trash all the time.   Like this trash at the light house in Dakar. 
I'd rather remember the light house like this and show the world Senegal's beauty then focus on where Senegal might be lagging

I'll stand here but I'd rather take this photo at the Mosque by the Sea than this one of trash

So yes, I may provide a specific slice of life in Dakar, but I think the world hasn't seen enough of the beauty Senegal has to offer. 

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Arms Linked in Soumbédioune

One of my favorite things about Senegalese culture? Friends of all ages often link arms when walking together.
Near Soumbédioune, Dakar, Senegal

A monument at Soumbédioune. We couldn't figure out what it was a monument for. Maybe something military related?

Artwork in Soumbédioune

Pirogues at Soumbédioune

Pirogues under construction, well used, and discarded at Soumbédioune

I found this guy so interesting. Here's a better view of him.

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