Monday, September 26, 2011

They Call it Stormy Monday

An ominous storm approaching the Les Almadies neighborhood of Dakar, Senegal, during the rainy season
[That's the Monument to the African Renaissance in the background]

The same storm's approach creates a stunning sky line near the Mosque by the Sea

Sorry, one photo of the awesome cloud just wasn't enough!

Then the heavens open up, flooding Dakar. If you're lucky, your car dies in an area like this that isn't thigh deep in water
so when you pop it in neutral to force it to start, you don't end up swimming instead of pushing the car...

The rainy season creates massive flooding. This street is lucky and would be considered minimal flooding.

Then suddenly, as quickly as the storm comes, it leaves rapidly with an amazingly blue sky in its wake
The Grand Mosque in Dakar

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At October 23, 2011 at 4:09 PM , Anonymous Debbie B. said...

That would be a horrible place for a car to die!!


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