Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Snapshots from the road around Zimbabwe

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A Zimbabwean woman carries bags along the road between Bulawayo and Victoria Falls.

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One of the hazards of driving in Africa?  Trucks precariously loaded and driving way too fast or way too slow.

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A woman tends to some cooking in a village.

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Laundry hanging in a village.

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The Flying Pot Restaurant near Gweru.

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The Teecherz shopping mall.  For some reason the name really amuses me.

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One of the many car washes outside Harare.

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Because the Flying Pot Restaurant was just too creepy not to include another photograph.

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At January 8, 2014 at 10:25 PM , Anonymous Gazebo and Bali Hut Super Store said...

Never been in Zimbabwe before and were planning to travel there in this mid-February. We are moving from country to country to take weird but amazing photos around the world. I think Flying Pot Restaurant is a bit interesting!


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