Thursday, October 10, 2013

Take My Breath Away: Drowned Forest Sunset

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While visiting Lake Kariba, we watched a stunning sunset from a boat in the middle of the lake.
It reminded me of this absolutely take-my-breath-away sunset in Senegal.

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An elephant at sunset.

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The tease of the sunset, the wake of our houseboat welcoming it.

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Oh! Be still my heart, Zimbabwe, you have once more delivered amazing.

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Hello, elephant!  Hello, sunset!

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The sun creeping down for the night.

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Africa's sun is always so amazingly large, so bright, and so just...perfect.

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Remnants of the drowned forest at sunset.

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I love sunset, it may be my favorite time of the day.

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The start of our sunset houseboat adventure, leaving harbor.

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One of Lake Kariba's harbors, the houseboats moored.

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