Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Volcanoes National Park!!!

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While on a visit to Rwanda, I saw my first volcano!
Why, hello Sabyinyo Volcano.

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A woman works the fields just near the volcanoes.

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The park is home to five of the eight volcanoes in the Virunga Mountains.

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We began hiking up the mountains and wow, just wow. Bamboo forests like I've never seen before.

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I had no idea that bamboo forests make a creaking sound--almost like an old door opening---
when the wind blows through them.  It's very eerie and beautiful.

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Why were we hiking?  Why we were mountain gorilla trekking of course!
Here's where we stopped while the guides hacked a path through the forest to where our family of gorillas were resting.

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Some of the guides.

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My first view of the famed mountain gorillas.

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Here's a teaser of the next post: isn't he just adorable?!

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