Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Stellenbosch - South Africa Wine Country: J.C. Le Roux

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While touring Stellenbosch, South Africa's lovely wine country, we visited J.C. Le Roux.

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Oh, Cape Town, be still my heart, how your mountains speak to me.
[This is the view of part of the estate's vineyards.]

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J.C. Le Roux is a vineyard for sparkling wine.  We did a marshmallow and meringue tasting, paired with lovely sparkling wine.

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The grounds were stunning, worth the visit alone!

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The amazing marshmallows, with flavors like coconut and caramel, paired perfectly with lovely sparkling wines.
I had never done a straight sparkling wine tasting before and it was a lot of fun.

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Returning to Cape Town, we passed the famous Table Mountain.

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Another view of Table Mountain from the waterfront of Cape Town.

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