Friday, September 27, 2013

Take My Breath Away: Baby Mountain Gorillas!!

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While trekking through Volcanoes National Park, we found these beautiful, beautiful animals.

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Why, hello, you handsome fellow!
Rwanda is home to the stunning Sabyinyo Family of mountain gorillas.

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The family had several juveniles that were just so adorable!
This little guy was about two years old.

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And let me tell you, they were out playing!  Trying to figure out swinging on the bamboo.

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Climbing up things, annoying the adults, wrestling. It was adorable.

Check out the guy above playing with the baby who was only a few months old:
(That whole bamboo swinging thing? Definitely not gotten down yet!)

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Basking in the morning sun.

Here's another short clip, it makes me laugh because his somersault? All it makes me think of is an Ewok!

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I was absolutely amazed to see how stunningly orange the gorillas' eyes were.
These photos don't remotely do the color justice.

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A few months old---just too adorable!

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If given the chance to go mountain gorilla trekking, go, go, GO.
It is an absolutely amazing, almost spiritual experience.
I want to go again.  More than once again.

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