Sunday, August 18, 2013

Chobe's Animal Traffic

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While visiting Chobe National Park in Botswana, we came across these beautiful sables.

Watch their crossing (the safari version of traffic!):

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A different perspective, seen from the safari vehicle.

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We saw this --- a giraffe corpse, a few days old kill.

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Which meant this lion pride was near by.

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The sables were just too magnificent not to sneak another photo in!

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Then there were these.  Monitor lizards.  They are simultaneously so cool and gross.

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They were swimming on the Chobe River, heading toward elephants.

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They slither across the top of the water.

Check it out (so creepy and amazing):

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More animal traffic!
These giraffes didn't know what to do with our approach so they just froze and stared at us,
until the one on the right decided to high tail it out of there!

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