Saturday, August 11, 2012

Reading and minding my own business....

During a visit to Ruckomechi Safari Camp in Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe, I was minding my own business,
soaking up the warmth of the sun at my tent and enjoying some reading.

When who should visit me?  This beautiful elephant. 
At first, he stayed away, eating near the beautiful Zambezi River.

Then he came closer and sauntered past.
I never thought I'd say an elephant's tush is my favorite photo in a post..but this is.

And he stopped to eat some more and I realized quickly he was so much more interesting than my book.

And then perfectly across the river, a hippo yawned.
I felt incredibly blessed to find such solitude and such beauty around me.

That's my tent on the left, as seen from the Zambezi, where I was minding my own business.

A vulture!  This really has nothing to do with the post, I just thought it was a cool photo from my walking safari....

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At August 12, 2012 at 12:19 PM , Anonymous Diana Bruen said...

Wish I was there right now. Looks so lovely - I want to mind my business :-)


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