Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas in Dakar

 Inside the Christmas Tree on the Place de l'Independence -- Dakar, Senegal
[sponsored by Orange for the World Festival of Black Arts AKA
le Festival Mondial des Arts Nègres]

 The tree on the Place de l'Independence -- Plateau

 Christmas Tree street vendor -- Plateau, Dakar, Senegal

 The Tree!

 The Place de l'Independence decorated

 Avenue du Président Léopold Sédar Senghor -- Plateau, Dakar

 Place de l'Independence

Rue de la République -- Plateau, Dakar

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ndary Lo's Studio

Men reaching for heaven by Ndary Lo -- Ndary Lo's Studio, Rufiqsue, Senegal

Ndary Lo as seen from his studio's courtyard

 Different pieces of art in Ndary Lo's studio

 this head was made of was so amazing

Man reaching for heaven by Ndary Lo
The sandals were worn by his father on his pilgrimage to Mecca
and are the focal point of his studio

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Mermoz and Ouakam

 spiders at the lighthouse in Mermoz, Dakar, Senegal

sunset at the light house, Mermoz

the view of downtown Dakar from the lighthouse, Mermoz

 flowers at the Mosque by the Sea (La Mosquée de la Divinité), Ouakam, Dakar, Senegal

 downtown from the Mosque by the Sea, Ouakam

flowers at the Mosque by the Sea, Ouakam

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

An Amazing Sunset

 the most amazing sunset I've seen -- from the middle of Lac Rose, Senegal

 Lac Rose

 a pirogue and salt -- Lac Rose

 the dunes at Lac Rose

salt collection on Lac Rose

a restaurant on Lac Rose

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Lac Rose Excursion

 Dusk falling on a pirogue on Lack Rose -- Senegal

 Mauritanian style tent -- the abode for the night -- Lac Rose, Senegal

 Dusk falling -- Lac Rose

the first hints of what turned into a spectacular sunset on Lac Rose

the Atlantic Ocean -- Lac Rose

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Keur Moussa Monastery

 Keur Moussa Benedictine Monastery, near Lac Rose on the road to Kayar, Senegal
The monastery is famous for its Gregorian-style chants in Latin, French, and Wolof
 Keur Moussa, after the Sunday Mass and chant

 The stunning ceiling and alter at Keur Moussa

 The cementary for the brothers, next to the monastery

One of the few places I have seen in Senegal (advertisements included) 
depicting Africans and not individuals of African ethnicity with lighter skin

What do the brothers sound like?

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