Sunday, April 21, 2013

Snapshots from the Zimbabwe roads...

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While visiting Antelope Park near Gweru, Zimbabwe, this dog kept watch.

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Leaving Antelope Park we managed to get stuck in this rainy season puddle.
See the paved road ahead?  Oh it was a tease..and quite embarrassing to fail so close to the road.

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Kwekwe's welcome sign.  You may recognize Kwekwe if you are a watcher of The Colbert Report.
Stephen Colbert did a segment on Zimbabwe (Watch the spot here.)

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The Air Zimbabwe museum...or if it's not a museum, it should be.  The airline's gone under way too many times. 

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A mosque in Zimbabwe.  You don't see them remotely as much as you did in Senegal.

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For some reason whenever I see the lights not working signs (and naturally they aren't working ever), 
I usually find it to be the funniest thing ever.

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A street side market somewhere in Zimbabwe during the rainy season.

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A storm's a coming!

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At April 22, 2013 at 6:53 AM , Anonymous RDLiving said...

Every Scenic shot I somehow see you jumping....


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