Saturday, November 27, 2010

Alpha Dio's Studio

 The outside of Alpha Dio's studio, covered in his stunning mosaics and paintings

 A painting in progress -- Alpha Dio's studio

 The studio was like an explosion of color in the middle of nowhere, Senegal

The entrance to Alpha Dio's studio

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Doors of Ngor Island

The entrance to a house on Ngor Island, Dakar, Senegal

 The house beside Chez Carla, Ngor Island
 Ngor Island

 Ngor Island

Ngor Island

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tabaski (non)Traffic

Normally, Dakar's traffic is horrendous.  
Bumper to bumper, no hope in sight, crazy dodging animals, 
swerve around broken taxis, driving up curbs,
say a prayer that the men crossing the street aren't in some real life game of Frogger.

Then Tabaski happens.  And Dakar becomes a ghost town. Take a look:

 Plateau : Rue Jules Ferry

 La Corniche, near Université Cheikh Anta Diop

 Leaving Les Alamedies

 Lighthouse Road, Marmelles

 Ouakem Road

La Corniche

What is Tabaski?
 (AKA Eid al-Adha AKA Greater Eid AKA Feast of Sacrifice)

Insight into Senegalese culture (worth the read):   
In Senegal, a Sheep is a Man's Best Friend

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Monday, November 15, 2010

The Last of Roots

View of Juffureh, The Gambia from the pier 
[from Roots]

 The Gambia River

Juffureh, aka Albreda, The Gambia



The pier

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Juffureh, The Gambia

 The Gambia River, seen from Juffureh, The Gambia

 Boats on the shore of the Gambia River, Juffureh, The Gambia

 the chains of slavery...

 undisturbed by a nosy photographer..

 restoration near the launch for James Island, Juffureh, The Gambia

can you find the birds?

If not, try listening to them:

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Sunday, November 7, 2010


A view of Albreda (aka Juffureh) -- The Gambia
Made famous from the mini-series "Roots" 

 Sheep -- Juffureh, The Gambia

 Partially restored house, near the departure for James Island - Juffureh, The Gambia

View of Juffureh from the pier -- The Gambia


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