Friday, August 2, 2013

A Love Affair with Elephants Continues

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After a stunning visit to Victoria Falls, we visited Chobe National Park.

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Where Botswana reminded me instantly of how much I love elephants.

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Isn't this guy just adorable?!

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Chobe overs the chance for land and river safaris and my love affair with elephants to grow.

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A mama and her baby.

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I love the mutual relationships you find in nature, especially the tiny bird and elephant relationship.

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A mama elephant helping her baby through a mud bath.

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Oh!  What this old elephant has seen in Africa.

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A breeding herd drinking at the Chobe River.

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I was just floored by the size of the hippos in Chobe.  This elephant was huge.  Look at the size of those hippos next to him!

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At August 3, 2013 at 5:31 AM , Anonymous RDLiving said...

Love the Chobe and the Elephants - oh the memories!


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