Saturday, March 23, 2013

A wanderlust into the snows of New England

Woodstock, Vermont photo 11WoodstockVermont-tiaphotoblog_zpsc6873bd9.jpg
I love Africa, but I love to travel, a lot.

Woodstock, Vermont photo 12VermontWoodstock-tiaphotoblog_zps181fbe5b.jpg
And some good old fashioned Americana recently appeased the wanderlust in me.

Woodstock, Vermont photo 13WoodstockVermont-tiaphotoblog_zps1ef8d972.jpg
A quick trip to New England to see a best friend who humored me, bringing me to Woodstock, Vermont.

Woodstock, Vermont photo 14Woodstock-tiaphotoblog_zps753e2aaf.jpg
Where it snowed the entire time we visited.  Those (lucky enough?) to know me, know one thing:
Christmas, winter, and snow bring me joy.  Maybe too much joy.  Think the joy of a five year old in a toy store.  That type of joy.

Woodstock, Vermont photo 15Woodstock-tiaphotoblog_zps0485c5d3.jpg
And best friend made it happen.  Gloriously in Vermont, complete with snow sculptures!

Woodstock, Vermont photo 16Woodstock-tiaphotoblog_zps5d378a89.jpg
Vermont is known for its covered bridges----in all my wandering, I'd actually never seen a covered bridge!

Hartland, Vermont photo 17Hartland-tiaphotoblog_zps744b3c4f.jpg
And then the icing on the cake: a beautiful snow covered tree with its Christmas lights still on it.
I think I may have spontaneously combusted from the combination of all things I love and can't find in Africa.

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And how adorable is Woodstock?
National Geographic Magazine named Woodstock one of America's Most Picturesque Villages.

Woodstock, Vermont photo 19Woodstock-tiaphotoblog_zps97500927.jpg
It was the perfect solution to my wanderlust.  Thank you, friend.

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At March 23, 2013 at 2:43 AM , Anonymous cwbullets said...

Boy, do those photos say "New England"!

At March 25, 2013 at 4:00 AM , Anonymous camping safaris said...

Wow, these photos are amazing, especially love the first one and last one.


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