Monday, March 11, 2013

Walking with Lions!!

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Recently I walked with lions in Gweru, Zimbabwe!!

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That's right. You heard me. I walked with lions.

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And it was awesome.

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These beautiful 6 month old lion cubs were my company for the afternoon.

Here's how close they walk to you (I didn't zoom for the shot!):

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This makes me laugh. Of course these two Zimbabweans aren't paying attention to the lions right next to them.
They're checking their cell phones.

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Okay, I admit it.  They were adorable and playful and so cute,

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but there was a clear moment of being terrified just prior to start walking with them.

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Just like children, the cubs paused at every sound and every noise, wanting to investigate everything.

Aren't they cute:

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I got to pet them!  So cool.  I was surprised to learn their hair is course and not soft like you'd expect.

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I was very relieved to learn that we were walking with 6 month old cubs; the 23 month old (waist high!!) cubs had been retired two days prior.
For someone who's not exactly an animal person, and had to talk myself into this afternoon walk, it was a welcome turn of events.

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For more information on where I had this little adventure, check out Antelope Park!

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