Thursday, January 17, 2013

A Victoria Falls Christmas (Part Deux)

A Christmas in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, at the height of rainy season is quite lovely!

There was soooooo much water and mist, it was insane! I was drenched through my poncho!
So different than during the dry season.

And what says Christmas day more than Zimbabwean youth posing like Usain Bolt.
(Seriously, it's apparently the thing to do, pose like Bolt. 
Everyone was doing it. Literally. To the point of absurdity.)

Isn't a Christmas Day wonder of the world just beautiful?

A Christmas day afternoon tea at the Victoria Falls Hotel.

Too bad this didn't come out better (the joys of a waterproof point and shoot camera!) but isn't it adorable?

Santa made a visit, Zim style, on Christmas morning!

And what can be a better sign of Christmas traffic than a Zim hanging out the front door of a bus
while going circa 100 kilometers/hour?!

And, this, this, this may be my favorite photo I've taken in Africa. EVER.
It captures so much of traveling on the continent: an old truck; an old truck overflowing with random stuff;
an old truck overflowing with random stuff with people popping out of every nook and cranny;
and the cherry on top: the people fast asleep at 120 km/hour.

And scene.

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At January 17, 2013 at 12:23 PM , Anonymous cwbullets said...

Hey, I could nap there too!

At January 17, 2013 at 2:03 PM , Anonymous colleen said...

That is the best Santa Strawberry I have ever seen!!


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