Sunday, April 15, 2012

Heroes' Acre

Hereos' Acre in Harare, Zimbabwe.  It is a memorial to those in ZANLA and ZIPRA who died in Zimbabwe's liberation war.

Burial is reserved for those declared by the ruling party, ZANU-PF, to be a national hero.
There is controversy over the choice of some individuals because of their allegiance to ZANU, vice liberation war credentials.

When asked if Robert Mugabe would be buried here, the guide smiled knowingly but stated no spot is reserved and is only allotted after someone dies.

This obelisk houses the eternal flame, lit at independence celebrations, to depict the spirit of independence.
My favorite fact?  The eternal flame is only lit from 1800 - 0600.

The monument, memorial, and obelisk are flanked by two friezes depict the struggles for Independence.

Several graves at Heroes' Acre, many with pictures of the deceased.
While my Zimbabwe history is not perfect, I recognized many of the names of Harare's streets.

The statue, designed in North Korea, is a monument to those who died in the liberation war.  
It is also the tomb of the unknown soldier.

Robert Mugabe's first wife, Sally, is buried here at Heroes' Acre.

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At April 15, 2012 at 8:32 AM , Anonymous cwbullets said...

A fleeting eternity.


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