Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Road Less Traveled

Embarking on another adventure across Zimbabwe, this time we headed west, attempting to find a specific safari lodge. 
 The hand-drawn map we had wasn't helpful and didn't include landmarks like this very old Shell gas station. 
 Which naturally was the first landmark we saw for many kilometers.

Thinking maybe we have the right road, we flew through across the beautiful landscape, 
hoping that after eight hours of driving from Harare, that we were on the right dirt road.

Apparently we aren't the first to wonder if we were remotely on the right path as we stumbled upon this sign, wishing us good luck. 
 It may have resulted in many minutes of hysterical laughter (and then a silent prayer that hopefully luck wasn't needed.)

And then! Voila! A landmark actually on our map: a water tower and train tracks. We had officially entered into Hwange National Park.

And immediately were relieved to see a sign marking our safari lodge: The Hide
 There was hope we weren't lost in the middle of---literally---no where Zimbabwe after nine hours of driving.

Even if we were lost (and yes our road was this flooded)
how can you not pause and think: Zimbabwe is breathtaking. 
And I was about to go on my first safari. Life is good.

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