Friday, April 27, 2012

Hammond Ranch Safari Lodge!

Recently visited the Hammond Ranch in the Save Valley Conservancy in southeastern Zimbabwe.

The lodges were welcoming and rustic--mine had a loft!

The peace and quiet was a welcome getaway from Harare.

For some reason I really liked this ceiling.

My lodge had a view of the riverbed and serenity all around.

Hammond Ranch was constructing a lookout next to its dining area.
The ranch specializes in photography safaris (clearly my choice!) and hunting.

This thing was half the size of my fist and completely creeped me out.

I apparently have a thing for oddly shaped trees.  The elephants in the Save Valley helped me out by twisting the trees into odd shapes!

For more information on the Save Valley Conservancy.

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At April 28, 2012 at 8:21 AM , Anonymous Debbie F. said...

That bug is intense!! So gross and creepy .....! The place looks cool though!

At April 28, 2012 at 9:46 AM , Anonymous Framed and Shot said...

Looks like a peaceful and relaxing place - the bug oh... you dont even need a macro lens to capture that one! But think about all the details you can get IF you bring a macro lens and portrait it!


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