Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Love Affair With Zimbabwe Begins With the Froggy Farm

I've relocated from Senegal to Zimbabwe and have started my adventure of exploring the beauty of southern Africa. It is incredibly different in so many ways from western Africa that I feel incredibly blessed to experience both. This posts marks the beginning of my Zimbabwe adventures---I hope you enjoy them! I suspect that I may have already fallen in love with the beauty of this remarkable country.

During my first adventure outside of Harare, Zimbabwe, we stopped at the Froggy Farm while en route to Zimbabwe's Eastern Highlands.

Froggy Farm was in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by stunning greenery and rolling hills.
It was polar opposite of the sand and dust in Senegal.

Don't drive past this little gem if you find yourself heading towards the Eastern Highlands: I picked up the most amazing mixed fruit jam.

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At February 16, 2012 at 5:56 AM , Anonymous cwbullets said...

Knee deep in greenery.


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