Friday, October 14, 2011

The Signs of Senegal

Parking exit sign on the Place de l'Independence, Dakar, Senegal.
The decorations are from Christmas and the World Festival of Black Arts AKA le Festival Mondial des Arts Negres

Children crossing sign in Saint-Louis, Senegal.

A sign in Fadiouth, Senegal forbidding non-authorized vehicles. Strange logic: It was a tiny, sea-shelled path with barely enough room to walk. 
To the left is a pedestrian bridge. I was standing on a pedestrian path when I took the photo. What vehicles?

One of my favorite signs. Ever. Possibly in the history of ever. Who knew an Assembly Point sign could be so intense?

A Senegalese driver told my non-Senegalese friend that this sign meant that it's a dry area so you shouldn't light a match. Because that's a match not an exclamation point (aka caution!). Seriously. And you wonder why West African drivers aren't the best...

Corniche, Dakar, Senegal

Les Almadies area of Dakar.  It reminds me of Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
Why?  Because of this famous image from the delightful book.

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At October 14, 2011 at 2:45 PM , Anonymous cwbullets said...

How appropriate! Le Petit Prince in a French speaking culture.

At October 14, 2011 at 4:09 PM , Anonymous Megan said...

Oooh! Totally "Dessine-moi un éléphant"! You just made this my new favorite sign in Senegal.

At October 15, 2011 at 8:12 AM , Anonymous Debbie B. said...

The meeting point is hilarious!! Love the second picture :) :) See u soon!! (So much fun to comment since you are normally in Africa when I read your blog)


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