Monday, May 9, 2011

Every Communist Dictator Needs a People's Palace...

The Palace of the Republic built by Nicolae Ceauşescu- Bucharest, Romania

but many Romanians call it the People's Palace

 View of Bucharest from the Palace

 the second largest office building in the world...behind the Pentagon 


More on the Palace...apparently it's also the world's heaviest building. 

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At May 10, 2011 at 6:50 AM , Anonymous cwbullets said...

His modesty is so becoming.

At May 10, 2011 at 7:09 AM , Anonymous JugiBuji said...

He was a crazy man. Apparently his wife had quite the shoe collection.

At June 1, 2011 at 5:14 AM , Anonymous John said...

The Palace of the People in Romania is a spectacular landmark. In my opinion it has become the symbol of Bucharest. I have never seen a building so colossal.
The pictures you've posted are great.

Bucharest Hotel!


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