Sunday, March 20, 2011

Part VI: Bienvenue à Saint-Louis

 after driving along the beach, we crossed the Pont Faidherbe to Saint-Louis, Senegal, 
the former capital of colonial French West Africa  that occupyies a beautiful, tiny island in the Senegal River
[note the leaning tower of Pisa and the brotherhood artwork carved into the trees]

 where we stayed at the lovely Maison Rose on the water

 La Maison Rose

While filming goats for a friend's son, some boys thought it was hilarious.
Watch and you can hear them start to laugh at me:

Then when I played it back for them and they heard themselves,
they got very serious and then asked me to take a photo of them reciting verses from the Koran:

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At March 21, 2011 at 7:56 AM , Anonymous cwbullets said...

Not at all like US's St. Louis! No arches?


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