Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Porokhane, Senegal

Detailing on the columns in Mame Diara's Mausoleum in Porokhane, Senegal
[see previous post for additional details on Mame Diara]

The mosque in honor of Mame Diara, with her mausoleum, the destination for the
of Porokhane, the only magal dedicated to women by the
Senegalese brotherhoods. Thousands make the pilgrimage each year.

The ceiling of Mame Diara's Mausoleum

Mame Diara's Mausoleum under renovation

The dome in the mausoleum

The mosque in honor of Mame Diara

The walls of Mame Diara's mosque

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At September 21, 2010 at 5:13 PM , Anonymous cwbullets said...

I think I liked her boat better!

At September 23, 2010 at 9:40 AM , Anonymous Judy said...

How did your outfit turn out?


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