Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Yellowstone: Blowing Off Steam

Storm over the Grand Tetons
Grand Teton Natinoal Park - Wyoming, United States

Yellowstone Lake - Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, U.S.

Mammoth Hot Springs - Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, U.S.

Prismatic pool near Fairy Falls - Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, U.S.

Geysers at Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, U.S.

Mammoth Hot Springs, the town of Mammoth, and the mountains of Montana
Yellowstone National Park - Wyoming and Montana, U.S.

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At July 15, 2010 at 8:51 AM , Anonymous Diana Bruen said...

I am so close but have yet to go.....hmm - perhaps that is b/c I am hoarding all my PTO :-)

At July 20, 2010 at 2:04 PM , Anonymous RooRoo said...

the blue is sooo clear in picture two!

At July 25, 2010 at 2:48 PM , Anonymous John said...

Your pictures of Yellowstone and the Tetons are really fine. Thanks.


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