Saturday, January 23, 2010

Egypt: Select Photos

The Harbor at Sunset - Alexandria, Egypt

El Deir el Bahari - Luxor, Egypt

The River Nile, from the West Bank - Luxor, Egypt

The Great Pyramids - Giza, Egypt

The Library - Alexandria, Egypt

The Harbor - Alexandria, Egypt

View of the Med. Sea & Harbor - Alexandria, Eygpt

El Deir el Bahari - Luxor, Egypt

Luxor Temple - Luxor, Egypt

Sphinx near the Luxor Temple - Luxor, Egypt

Karnak Temple - Luxor, Egypt

Faluccas on the Nile River, West Bank - Luxor, Egypt

Giza at sunset - Giza, Egypt

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At February 16, 2010 at 5:42 PM , Anonymous John said...

I especially like the The Great Pyramids and the Harbor at Alexandria. They are mesmerizing shots.


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